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The State of Ohio has specific regulations pertaining to inflatable rentals.  This is subject to change and recommend checking with your local city and county governments to get more details.

Detailed information can be found HERE.


Below is a synopsis of the regulations.  

1711.53 Operating Permit

(1) No person shall operate an amusement ride within the state without a permit issued by the director of agriculture under division (A)(2) of this section. The owner of an amusement ride, whether the ride is a temporary amusement ride or a permanent amusement ride, who desires to operate the amusement ride within the state shall, prior to the operation of the amusement ride and annually thereafter, submit to the department of agriculture an application for a permit, together with the appropriate permit and inspection fee, on a form to be furnished by the department. Prior to issuing any permit the department shall, within thirty days after the date on which it receives the application, inspect each amusement ride described in the application. The owner of an amusement ride shall have the amusement ride ready for inspection not later than two hours after the time that is requested by the person for the inspection.

(2) For each amusement ride found to comply with the rules adopted by the director under division (B) of this section and division (B) of section 1711.551 of the Revised Code, the director shall issue an annual permit, provided that evidence of liability insurance coverage for the amusement ride as required by section 1711.54 of the Revised Code is on file with the department.

(3) The director shall issue with each permit a decal indicating that the amusement ride has been issued the permit. The owner of the amusement ride shall affix the decal on the ride at a location where the decal is easily visible to the patrons of the ride. A copy of the permit shall be kept on file at the same address as the location of the amusement ride identified on the permit, and shall be made available for inspection, upon reasonable demand, by any person. An owner may operate an amusement ride prior to obtaining a permit, provided that the operation is for the purpose of testing the amusement ride or training amusement ride operators and other employees of the owner and the amusement ride is not open to the public.

(B) The director, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules providing for a schedule of fines, with no fine exceeding five thousand dollars, for violations of sections 1711.50 to 1711.57 of the Revised Code or any rules adopted under this division and for the classification of amusement rides and rules for the safe operation and inspection of all amusement rides as are necessary for amusement ride safety and for the protection of the general public. Rules adopted by the director for the safe operation and inspection of amusement rides shall be reasonable and based upon generally accepted engineering standards and practices. In adopting rules under this section, the director may adopt by reference, in whole or in part, the national fire code or the national electrical code (NEC) prepared by the national fire protection association, the standards of the American society for testing and materials (ASTM) or the American national standards institute (ANSI), or any other principles, tests, or standards of nationally recognized technical or scientific authorities. Insofar as is practicable and consistent with sections 1711.50 to 1711.57 of the Revised Code, rules adopted under this division shall be consistent with the rules of other states. The department shall cause sections 1711.50 to 1711.57 of the Revised Code and the rules adopted in accordance with this division and division (B) of section 1711.551 of the Revised Code to be published in pamphlet form and a copy to be furnished without charge to each owner of an amusement ride who holds a current permit or is an applicant therefor.

(C) With respect to an application for a permit for an amusement ride, an owner may apply to the director for a waiver or modification of any rule adopted under division (B) of this section if there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships for the amusement ride to comply with the rules. Any application shall set forth the reasons for the request. The director, with the approval of the advisory council on amusement ride safety, may waive or modify the application of a rule to any amusement ride if the public safety is secure. Any authorization by the director under this division shall be in writing and shall set forth the conditions under which the waiver or modification is authorized, and the department shall retain separate records of all proceedings under this division.


(1) The director shall employ and provide for training of a chief inspector and additional inspectors and employees as may be necessary to administer and enforce sections 1711.50 to 1711.57 of the Revised Code. The director may appoint or contract with other persons to perform inspections of amusement rides, provided that the persons meet the qualifications for inspectors established by rules adopted under division (B) of this section and are not owners, or employees of owners, of any amusement ride subject to inspection under sections 1711.50 to 1711.57 of the Revised Code. No person shall inspect an amusement ride who, within six months prior to the date of inspection, was an employee of the owner of the ride.

(2) Before the director contracts with other persons to inspect amusement rides, the director shall seek the advice of the advisory council on amusement ride safety on whether to contract with those persons. The advice shall not be binding upon the director. After having received the advice of the council, the director may proceed to contract with inspectors in accordance with the procedures specified in division (E)(2) of section 1711.11 of the Revised Code.

(3) With the advice and consent of the advisory council on amusement ride safety, the director may employ a special consultant to conduct an independent investigation of an amusement ride accident. This consultant need not be in the civil service of the state, but shall have qualifications to conduct the investigation acceptable to the council.

1711.54 Certificate of insurance evidencing liability insurance in effect
No permit shall be issued under division (A) of section 1711.53 of the Revised Code, until the owner of the amusement ride has filed with the department of agriculture a certificate of insurance evidencing that there is liability insurance in effect with an insurer authorized or approved to write such insurance in this state on the operation of the ride providing coverage, subject to a limit, exclusive of interest and costs, of not less than five hundred thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or death of one person in each occurrence, and, subject to such limit for one person, to a limit of not less than one million dollars because of bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in each occurrence. The insurance policy may include a deductible clause, provided that any settlement made by the insurance company with the injured party or his legal representative shall be paid as though the deductible clause did not apply. Each policy, by its original terms or an endorsement, shall obligate the insurer that the insurer will not cancel the policy without thirty days' written notice and a complete report of the reasons for such cancellation being given to the department. Each policy, by its original terms or an endorsement, shall obligate the insurer that the insurer will, within twenty-four hours, report to the department if it pays a claim or reserves any amount to pay an anticipated claim that reduces the liability insurance coverage to a limit of less than one million dollars because of bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in each occurrence. If the policy is canceled during its term or lapses for any reason, including coverage reduced below the required amount, the owner shall replace the policy with another policy fully complying with the requirements of this section. If the owner fails to file a certificate of insurance for new or replacement insurance, the owner shall cease all operations under the permit immediately upon the cancellation or lapse of the insurance and further operations shall not be conducted without the specific approval of the department, which shall be given after the owner has complied with this section.

1711.55 Duties of owner of amusement ride
(A) The owner of an amusement ride shall maintain a current maintenance, repair, and inspection record for each amusement ride in accordance with rules prescribed under division (B) of section 1711.53 of the Revised Code. The records shall contain information on the date and nature of all inspections of the amusement ride made by the department of agriculture or the owner, and a record of all violations of the rules issued by the department and actions taken by the owner to correct such violations. The owner shall keep inspection and maintenance records and make them available to the department upon request.

The owner of a temporary amusement ride shall inspect that ride in accordance with rules prescribed under division (B) of section 1711.53 of the Revised Code each time that there is a reassembly of the ride.

(B) The owner of an amusement ride shall maintain records of all serious injuries involving riders, containing such information as the department prescribes, on forms prescribed by the department. These records shall be made available for inspection by the department on request. In the case of an accident, the owner of an amusement ride shall immediately notify the department by telephone or in person and subsequently file a written report with the department within twenty-four hours of the accident.

(C) The owner of a temporary amusement ride shall provide the department with a tentative schedule of events at which his ride will operate during the upcoming season. Rules of the director shall establish timetables and procedures for the providing and updating of the schedules to the department.

(D) An amusement ride operator shall be at least sixteen years of age, shall be in attendance whenever the ride is in operation, and shall operate no more than one ride at a time. The owner or amusement ride operator may deny any person entrance to the amusement ride if he believes the entry may jeopardize the safety of the person desiring entry, riders, or other persons.

(E) In addition to the annual inspection or reinspection of an amusement ride for a permit or other reason required by the rules adopted under division (B) of section 1711.53 of the Revised Code, the department may inspect any amusement ride after the report of an accident or in response to a complaint filed with the department.

(F) The director may order in writing a temporary cessation of the operation of an amusement ride that the department finds by inspection to be unsafe by reason of a violation of the rules adopted under division (B) of section 1711.53 of the Revised Code. The operation of that amusement ride shall not resume until the condition causing the violation has been corrected and the amusement ride is reinspected. Any reinspection under this division shall take place within twenty-four hours after notice to the department by the owner that the condition causing the violation has been corrected.

1711.551 Duties of riders
(A) No rider shall fail to do any of the following:

(1) Heed all written warnings and directions that require a person to meet certain conditions or to refrain from certain actions regarding an amusement ride, as determined by rule by the director of agriculture;

(2) Refrain from behaving or acting in any manner that may cause injury or contribute to injuring himself or other people while occupying an amusement ride.

(B) The director, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt, and may amend and rescind, rules governing the types of warnings and directions required to be followed pursuant to this section. Rules adopted by the director determining the types of printed warnings and directions shall include specifications as to the character, size, and print size of such warnings and directions. At a minimum, the rules shall require the following:

(1) The warnings and directions prominently disclose the penalties imposed if a rider violates section 1711.551 of the Revised Code;

(2) The warnings and directions be based upon the standards of ASTM or the American national standards institute, or any other principles, tests, or standards of nationally recognized technical or scientific authorities that research the proper use of each amusement ride and the potential injuries that occur or are unique to each amusement ride if it is used improperly;

(3) The owner of the amusement ride display the warnings and directions in a public and conspicuous place on or near the ride.

State Contact Info:
Department of Agriculture
Amusement Ride Safety Division
Reynoldsburg, OH
P: 614.728.6280

Disclaimer:  This information is provided for informational purposes only.  Please seek legal counsel for help interpreting complete and specific state regulations.








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MON - FRI : 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
SATURDAY : 9:00 am - 12:00 pm



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